Sikhi Renaissance
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- Sikhi Renaissance
While representing Global Sikh Community, Global Sikh Council Management observed that in spite of great efforts in place by many a Sikhi organizations, Sikh Gurduaras, the Sikh community is losing strength in numbers.
Four main reasons came to the top;
- The Message of Gurbani, even though most logical and scientific, is not reaching the masses.
- Sikh Parcharaks are not connected with the community members
- In an effort to fill that gap, a lot of good organizations are doing a fantastic work but the missing link is coordination of their efforts by a central body. And hence a lot of effort is wasted in duplication, triplication and umpteen times repetition.
- Other faiths groups, especially in Punjab, in fact all over India, are luring Sikh Community members with financial help and under false pretenses.
That prompted GSC management to form a Sikhi Renaissance team to address the causes.
The Sikhi Renaissance team has been very successful in coming up with specific action plans and implementing them. GSC has initiated three new projects with more to come.
- Kish Suneya Kish Kaheyae (ਕਿਛੁ ਸੁਣੀਏ ਕਿਛੁ ਕਹੀਏ)
- Maa Boli Punjabi (ਕਿਛੁ ਸੁਣੀਏ ਕਿਛੁ ਕਹੀਏ)
- Sikhi Parsaar (ਸਿੱਖੀ ਪਰਸਾਰ)
All the projects are now in pace and separate teams are providing services and managing the efforts. Details of these projects are provided on separate pages.
The Sikhi Renaissance team is continuing its efforts and possible next project is Ghar Ghar Ander Dharamsal ( ਘਰ ਘਰ ਅੰਦਰ ਧਰਮਸਾਲ) . Village and Mohalla level Gurbani Vichar (ਗੁਰਬਾਣੀ ਵਿਚਾਰ) groups.
In each case, Approach is to cleanse the vessel of mind first then pour Gurbani Amrit
Group Meeting Minutes
Sikhi Renaissance
Summary of Discussion, Friday, January 14, 2022 Main topics covered in today’s meeting are as follows: The two Regions are: The Coordinator for this region would be Bibi Mandeep Kaur
Sikhi Renaissance
Friday, November 5, 2021 Main topic was to learn from the past efforts that were stared but did not fully succeed. No one truly knew any such effort, so no
Sikhi Renaissance
Friday, October 29, 2021 Following were shared: The first of the two agenda items about developing a Network of Sikh organizations was discussed after the setting of Listening Sessions. Second
Sikhi Renaissance
Friday, October 22, 2021 Following were shared: For information of the team members and everyone else, Sikhi Renaissance is one of the Global Sikh Council Projects. The objective of this
Sikhi Renaissance
Friday, October 15, 2021 Following were shared: (By the way, expect all kinds of concerns being expressed on these sessions and we may end up opening a tollfree helpline (Worldwide
Sikhi Renaissance
Friday, October 8, 2021 Rest of the stuff here is a continuation of the note from previous meetings. NOTE: PLEASE COME PREPARED TO FOCUS ON THE AREA/POINT BEING DISCUSSED AND
Sikhi Renaissance
Friday, October 1, 2021 The discussion today was to focus on the Gaps identified as a result of the observations however it went back and forth between observations, gaps, and
Sikhi Renaissance
Friday, September 10, 2021 The group name was changed form Sikhi Fundamentals for you to Sikhi Renaissance. The discussion today focused on the Gaps identified as a result of the
List of Members in Sikhi Renaissance Group
Balwinder Singh Sagar. Mohali
Bibek Singh, India
Brijinder Singh Randhawa India
Brijinder Singh Randhawa, US
Chetandeep Singh , California
Christian Van Gordon, US
Col. Parminder Singh, Mohali
Damanpreet Kaur, India
Devinder Singh Chahal, Canada
Devinder Singh Gujral
Dr. Baljit Singh Bagga, UK
Dr. Jagjit Singh, CANADA
Ek Ong Kaar, Sikhnet, US
Gagandeep Kaur, India
Gian S Sandhu, Canada
Gulbarg Singh Basi, US
Gurpreet Singh GP, Bahrain
Gurpreet Singh Kapoor, New Delhi
Gurpreet Singh, Kenya
Gurpreet Singh, Ludhiana
Hacharan Singh, Malaysia
Harbans Singh Kandola, Canada
Harpreet Kaur, New Delhi
Harpreet Singh Shah, Noida, India
Jasbir Singh Chawla, Chandigarh
Jaspreet Kaur Khalsa, New Delhi
Kanwal Jit Singh Bakshi, New Zealand
Mandeep Kaur, Dubai
Maninder Kaur, Dubai
Narinderpal Singh Bhalla, Australia
Paramdeep Kaur, India
Parampreet Singh, Ireland
Paul Surmai, Canada
Preetdeep Singh, UK
Prof Balwant Singh Dhillon, Canada
Rajinder Singh Bhasin, UK
Ramneet Kaur, US
Randeep Singh, EKAMSIKH, India
Sadhu Singh Rikhiraj, Chicago US
Sarabjit Singh, Bombay
SukhMandir Singh , SanFrancisco, US
Surjit Singh Kamra, US
Tarlochan Singh, New Delhi
Vindri Kaur Suri, New Delhi
How to Join Sikhi Renaissance Meeting:
Check the schedule given on this page and find out which meeting time suits you and select your time.
Install Zoom on your access device (Laptop/ Desktop or mobile)
Click the appropriate link to join the meeting
Further you can subscribe to our regular updates below and stay updated.

Project Information
Project Lead: Gulbarg Singh (USA)
Team Meeting held Every Friday.
Vision: To make all Sikhs, Sikh Youth and the rest of the humanity aware of Sikhi.
Mission: To achieve the Vision through collaboration of local units who are educated in Sikhi themselves.
- To recognize the current efforts toward this Mission and complement where needed.
- Where needed, develop local units aware of Sikhi Principles that can practice Sikhi themselves and share their knowledge with other Sikhs in the community.
- Where needed, Develop Sikh knowledgeable Speakers who can share their knowledge within and outside Sikh Community.
- Where needed, Develop materials on Sikhi, in suitable media of interest to the Youth.
Provide a platform where Sikhs , especially youth can ask questions and the Sikh scholars can respond to their questions based on Gurbani.
The project is headed & Presented by Gulbarg Singh Basi