GSC Inter-Faith Group

Global Sikhi Scholar

GSC Inter-Faith Group

Through globalization, the world has become a global village with around 4300 religions, according to Adherents, an independent, non-religiously affiliated organization. Unfortunately, many religions claim to have the only true God, which has caused conflicts between their followers. Religion was supposed to unite people, but instead, many have been killed and maimed in the name of God.
The world is currently experiencing violent attacks and hatred towards one another. We need to consider everyone as equal, understand and respect each other’s faith, and spread love instead of hate. The Global Sikh Council (GSC) has embarked on an agenda to bring people of different faiths together to share their views on how to achieve freedom of speech, education, work, practice of religion, and gender equality, regardless of caste, race, color, gender, or religion (Human Rights). This initiative will create a world free of violent attacks and the killing of innocent people and encourage world peace.
GSC requests everyone to join hands with us to bring peace and tranquility among people, regardless of their faiths.