What is Global Sikh Council?
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- What is Global Sikh Council?
The Global Sikh Council (GSC) is the voice of the Sikhs worldwide, a registered tax-exempt charitable, not-for-profit organization registered in the state of Georgia, the U.S. The GSC represents the Sikh Community across the globe to various Governmental and non-Governmental entities worldwide.
This also includes the representation of Sikhi at National and International Interfaith platforms. Individual country member organizations are our biggest assets.
Driven by our faith in Gurbani, many individual Sikhs of prominence and various Sikh organizations are teaming up with GSC to be the ‘Voice of Sikhs’
The GSC encourages each Sikh interested in serving humanity to join and strengthen the Sikh voice.
In addition, the Global Sikh Council is serving the International Sikh community in spreading the message of Gurbani enshrined in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib. The services range from online classes on Gurmukhi, Gurbani, Gatka, Sikhi heritage, and various discussion groups on the Sikhi way of life. All such services are listed in a separate section.
Global Sikh Council provides networking opportunities with other Sikh organizations providing access to the services available for the Sikh Community at large. Each one of them is providing services in specific areas of their expertise. The network member organizations are listed in separate sections.