All-hands meeting minutes (11th Dec 21)

1) All the participants agreed to hold the Annual General Meeting of the Global Sikh Council (GSC) on 26th March 2022 (Saturday). Due to uncertainty in the travel restrictions, the meeting will be held thru an online platform, zoom or similar.

2) GSC appeals to all the member-managed organizations (individual managed organizations do not qualify), that are working selflessly for the betterment of Sikh community in various fields, to join hands and become members of the Global Sikh Council. They can submit an online form at or use the following direct link: ONLINE GOOGLE FORM

3) Representatives of various member organizations presented the brief about their projects serving various fields. It was felt strongly by all that we need to collaborate to bring synergies. The importance of a common platform for knowledge sharing, collaboration, and resourcing as provided by GSC was appreciated by all.

4) Following is the brief about the projects presented during the meeting:

A) Jeevan Jaach- Fulfilling the need of the Global Sikh community by teaching Gurbani and Gurmukhi, and spoken Punjabi worldwide by holding online classes. Classes include the JEEVAN JAACH (Way of life) based on Sikhi principles.
Contact: Rimple Kaur +919867310008, Baljit Kaur +919082606424

B) Khoj Gurbani- Fulfilling the need of those wishing to learn/understand Gurbani and those who wish to delve deeper to understand Gurbani. English and Punjabi translations of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Bani are available of six scholars in one place. Unique search features with a single click provide references of Mahan Kosh, Punjabi Dictionary, or other usages of a word in Guru Granth Sahib.
Contact: Ravinder Singh Taneja +16142030904.

C) Learn Punjabi- A Global Sikh Council Project. A collaborative effort of various organizations from different countries to teach Punjabi and Gurmukhi to various age groups starting with 1 to 3 year old. Gurbani based curriculum includes Sikh Sakhis, animation videos, and online books. Additional online classes are planned to cover most time zones worldwide.
Contact: Harpreet Kaur +919999253266

D) Saakhi- Audio format mobile application (android & iOS) based on short bed-time stories on Sikh History & Ideology. Fulfill the need of parents to teach Sikh history (Gurbani based) to their younger generation. Blogs and Books on Sikh issues are also available.
Contact: Gurpreet Singh GP +97332232075.

E) Sikh Wisdom- GSC collaborative project to provide Q&A+ platform to ask any question on Sikhi. Fulfills the need of those who wish to clarify their understanding of Sikhi and Sikh culture. A team of Sikh Scholars associated with the Global Sikh Council provides the answers based on Bani enshrined in Sri Guru Granth Sahib. Also provides a platform to present different perspectives to gain more knowledge about Gurbani.
Contact: Amritpal Singh Sachdeva +447939718028.

F) Sikh Renaissance- A Global Sikh Council (GSC) project, aimed at reviving Sikhi values with special emphasis on the members that are drifting away from the Sikh way of life. Also educating non-Sikhs and help them with the universal message of Gurbani. The process used is to hold online sessions with the objective to listen to the Sikhi related needs of the Sikh community, develop a personal touch, show the community cares (ਕਿਛੁ ਸੁਣੀਐ ਕਿਛੁ ਕਹੀਐ ॥).
Contact: Gulbarg Singh Basi +16787941794.

G) Smart Sikh- Fulfils the need to locate Sikh organizations providing specific services. The directory of Sikh NGOs with more than 550 listings and 5000 visitors per month.
To add any Sikh NGO, Contact: Charanjit Dhanjal +41786323344.

H) Simran Education Sewa Society, Bhopal- Fulfilling the need to educate the Sikligar Sikh community in Sikhi and Punjabi. Holding Gurmat Classes in villages and cities especially for Sikligar and Wanjare Sikh communities.
Contact: Barjinder Singh +918305791502.

I) Sikh Heritage Group- Fulfilling the Sikhi needs of the local Sikh Community, Promoting Sikh culture, heritage and philosophy through various activities in Aurangabad and beyond.
Contact: Maninder Kaur +919503531979

Following two organizations, also part of the Global Sikh Council network, could not attend or present during the meeting due to unavoidable circumstances. Find below a brief about their activities as sent by their representatives:

J) Fateh: Fulfilling the advocacy needs of the Australian Sikh community. Projects include highlighting the Sikh heritage and social development. Currently involved with installing a Statue of Sikh Soldiers in Sydney a first in the southern hemisphere.
Contact: Amarinder Singh. +61421998458.

K) EkamSikh: A Mobile App, both for Android & iOS phones. It is a Global self-less initiative to bring Panthak initiatives available to Sangat & give many category features (education, medical aid, clothes, and food for the needy) on one platform.
Contact: Randeep Singh: +919810299319.

We thank all the participants for their overwhelming participation and for making it a fruitful event.

Inderpreet Singh- President
Gurpreet Singh- Secretary

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