Global Sikh Council (GSC) held its all hands-on meeting on 14th Aug 2021. Minutes of the meetings are as under:
A) Applications received for new memberships were discussed:
i) Frankfurt Gurdwara application was accepted by Board members. The president of Gurdwara, Lakhinder Singh, was not present in meeting, he needs to confirm back his consent regarding GSC policies.
ii) Guru Nanak Sewa Mission, Mohali, application was accepted by Board members. This was represented by Balwinder Singh Sagar.
B) Social media (Website, facebook, twitter, etc) needs to be utilized more effectively to promote the objectives of GSC. Committee formed to take formalize the strategy:
Balwinder Singh Sagar (Lead)
Amarinder Singh Bajwa
Gurpreet Singh GP
Inderpreet Singh
C) Policy for dasvandh collection needs to be formalized. Committee formed to propose the action plan:
Manjit Kaur Shergill (Lead)
Balwinder Singh Sagar
D) Review of bylaws of GSC is required to make it more robust and representative. A committee that will propose the draft for amendments is as under:
Gurbarg Singh Basi (Lead)
Harpreet Kaur Ahluwalia
Harcharan Singh
Amarinder Singh Bajwa
Balwinder Singh Sagar
E) Though all the members of GSC are working independently as per their capacity. GSC has identified four fields where it intends to serve Sikh Panth. To chalk out detailed actionable plan, sub-committees were formed on each of the four fields as mentioned below:
i) Sikh Youth Involvement in Sikh activities:
Dr. Jagjit Singh (Lead)
Harpreet Kaur Ahluwalia
Inderpreet Singh
Dr Charandeep Kaur
Charanjit Singh Dhanjal
ii) Sikh Women Empowerment:
Amar Kaur (Lead)
Dr Charandeep Kaur
Manjit Kaur Shergill
Dr Jagjit Singh
Harpreet Kaur Ahluwalia
iii) Upliftment of Weaker Sections of Sikh Community (SEWA):
Balwinder Singh Sagar (Lead)
Harsaran Singh
Dr Charandeep Kaur
Amarinder Singh Bajwa
Perminder Singh Randhawa
iv) Sikhi Parchaar through Gurbani Saanjh:
Gulbarg Singh Basi (Lead)
Dr Jagjit Singh
Harcharan Singh
Balwinder Singh Sagar
Gurpreet Singh GP
Note: All the above names came out voluntarily from among those present in the meeting. The idea of forming sub-committees is to give dedicated time and discussion to the assigned area. The lead of the group is suggested to form separate WhatsApp group for the discussions.
The member list is flexible, others who could not attend the meeting but wish to contribute towards the brainstorming actionable are requested to get in touch with the lead. Any person can volunteer to join the above 4 focus area groups with the recommendation of a GSC General Body Member.
Link to the meeting recording:
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