GSC condemns attack on Sikh Woman in Delhi


Delhi’s horrific incident of rape, attempt to murder and cutting hairs of a Sikh girl.

Global Sikh Council (GSC) strongly condemns the shocking, deplorable and horrendous incident of rape, merciless beating, parading with face blackened, and tonsuring her who belongs to the minority Sikh and poor family in Delhi. The videos that have gone viral on the social media are unbearable to watch. All this was done in the presence of a large public gathering cheering and clapping for the humiliation of the poor girl, in the locality of Kasturba Nagar. This shows the sadism and hatred in the Indian society that has made them zombies.

GSC would like to draw some important aspects of the incidents which have been reported in the print media:

1)           The harassment of the girl was continuing for the past many months. This girl and her family had complained to the police couple of times. Had the police taken strict action against culprits in time, this incident could have been prevented.

2)           The culprits are known to be involved in the illegal trade of drugs and liquor. This further raises questions on the working of the Delhi Police and local administration including MLA and MP.

It’s a rarest of a rare crime involving rape, an attempt to murder, illegal confinement, and severely hurting the Sikh religious sentiments. GSC strongly urges the concerned authorities that culprits must be given exemplary punishment. At the same time, introspection needs to be done for the reasons of growing crime in India, measures be taken to stop the hate, violence against women and or vulnerable and disadvantaged sections of the communities in the society.

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